Nevedi, the Dutch feed association, has been expanding a database of the carbon footprints of all relevant feed ingredients used in the Netherlands since a multitude of years. Now they’ve taken the next step for alignment to the GFLI database by following the GFLI methodology; and integrating ingredients in scope into the GFLI database.
Nevedi aims to provide the support for their members towards sustainability goals through this database, while also committed to contribute to the climate goals set by national cli-mate agreements. The members of Nevedi experience a strong demand from customers and upstream business-partners to share carbon footprint data of delivered feed(materials) that were calculated aligned with European PEFCR Feed. To ensure uniform implementation, Nevedi developed an instruction (the first version in 2018) specifically for the Dutch feed industry. As active GFLI member, Nevedi values alignment with the internationally recognized GFLI methodology and database, and therefore contributed feed materials that were not available in the GFLI database. After a successful external review, the datasets are now ready to be integrated into the GFLI database.
The GFLI database will, with the new update set for September 2023, include 273 new datasets from Nevedi. Some contain the cultivation and all processed co-products (seed cotton, safflower seed, hempseed) whereas most are the processed ingredients that were not yet available in the GFLI database, such as co-products of rice, groundnut, soybean, and many more. With the inclusion of many more ingredients, mainly processed, feed companies are able to create a more complete scope for compound feed.
The datasets follow the secondary GFLI methodology, which relies on statistical data, created specifically for the Nevedi ‘grondstoffenlijst’. More information about Nevedi and their database can be found here. Interested in the datasets and the new GFLI database update? Keep an eye out for the announcement date of the database update!