GFLI welcomes new member Duynie Group!

The Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) announces a new member: Duynie Group, leading the European market through valorization of co-products from the food-, beverage-, and biofuel industry for i.a. nutritious animal feed.

Duynie Group is Europe’s largest company active in the valorization of plant-based co-products sourced from the production of food, beverages and biofuel. This results in animal feed, ingredients for food and petfood, starch for technical application or biomass for energy production. With its head office in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands, Duynie Group has sales operations in ten countries throughout Europe, as well as three production locations in The Netherlands, Belgium, The United Kingdom. Beyond their activities in Europe, Duynie Group also offers sales services in countries worldwide.

Duynie Group consists of 4 divisions:

  • Duynie Feed is specialised in processing co-products like brewers’ grain, steamed potato peels or wheat stillage into nutritious and sustainable animal feed that is directly supplied to farmers.
  • Duynie Ingredients produces sustainable plant-based ingredients based on co-products by using residual heat. Duynie Ingredients supplies these products to the pet food industry, with the ambition to upcycle to human food.
  • AgriBioSource creates sustainable value by supplying co-products for biogas plants, water purification and soil improvement.
  • Novidon extracts the value of side-stream potato starch by producing new products, services and applications for customers in the industrial (e.g. paper, adhesives or textiles) sector.

In 2020 Duynie Group processed 4.5 million tonnes of plant-based co-products, an increase of 7% compared to 2019, with the ambition to increase to 6.2 million tonnes of co-products by 2025. They acknowledge the change necessary to sustain the planet’s capacity to feeding a growing world population. The creation of a truly sustainable food value chain that minimises environmental impact by becoming a circular system is required. Co-products play an important role in this transition. By translating co-products into new products, services and applications the use of resources is maximised, and waste is avoided. Roel van Haeren (CEO Duynie Group) states: “Feed is an important sector for valorising co-products and therefore Duynie Group strongly supports the GFLI initiative on the global improvement of sustainable feed.” GFLI welcomes Duynie Group as member and wishes for a great partnership.

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